Monday, April 23, 2007

Old Adidas Ad

Somehow the song for the old Adidas advert made it's way into my Ipod. It is an awsome song and a cool ad. You can watch it here:

So right now I'm sitting here debating whether I should try to overcome my natural scepticism for Itunes (which is apparently the only source for the song)...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mass Effect

It actually looks really intesting. Generally I don't find that BioWare have made any good games (no, Knights of the Old Republic sucked. I don't care what you think, it sucked. Jade Empire wasn't equally sucky, but still left you a bit disapointed). When I first saw articles about the upcoming Mass Effect I was to say the least sceptical. After having seen this video I must admit that I am a bit interested.