Sunday, December 31, 2006


The following is believed to be true about parties and planning:

  • If you make plans, people will change them.
  • If you anounce your intentions in advance, people will sign-up and then back out.
  • If you make no plans, peoply will supply them for you.
  • If you anounce nothing people will still somehow know what you are up to.
Do not make plans and tell no-one.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Knights of Cydonia

After having seen about 10 seconds of this video I knew I liked it. There is something appealing about the entire Sci-Fi/Western/Kung-Fu mix/B-action-movie genre. Not to mention the mustache on the main character. It is awsome.

It sortof reminded me of an animated series I saw when I was younger. I can't remember its name, I tried googling it (I know the word Sabre or Saber is in the name) but to no result. It had a Western/Sci-Fi theme and I thought it was really cool.
Anyway, have a look at the b-moviesque music video.
Knights of Cydonia (at YouTube)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Black money

Again, with stunning clarity, has it been shown to me that it is not being fair that counts, it is not playing by the rules that works and it is not nice guys who wins.

There is a dent on my car. Its not pretty. Not at all. After a brief chat with the not-so-helpful-lady at the insurance company I understod that my insurance pretty much covers nothing. Not even the insurance company lady could explain to me exactly why I should have the insurance or pay for it. It all seems like a big fraud to me, whenever something happens and you are more or less certain that this time, this time around, I actually have a valid claim, you soon realize that in the fine print somewhere there is a small text stating that you, and especially you, will never ever get any money for that specific claim. Ever.

Not even the time when I got hit in the head with a metal chair did I get any money (granted I did stop arguing the case after three years, so I guess it is in part my fault for giving up so easily). Why on earth did I think I could get money for a dent in my car when I couldn't get money for a dent in my head?

Finish the Fight!

After having played Gears of War form some time now I had almost forgot that I even liked other games. After having played the first act I had totally forgot who Master Chief was, the neon-colored environments of Halo and the goofy little grunts that I so love to smash over the head with the butt of my gun. The man was no longer the nameless Master Chief, it was now the scarred, hard-as-nails, ass-kicking Marcus Fenix and his sidekick Dom Santiago. I admit, at first I fired at Dom as much as at the Locust, it is hard to distinguish the COGs from the Locust at times, in Halo you know all the time that anything not green and shiny must die.

Then all of a sudden, Bungie releases the new Halo 3 trailer, and just like that, I remembered why I love Master Chief, why the neon colors don't bother me, why I bought the first Xbox and now the Xbox360. It is all clear to me... I have to finish the fight!

It's about time...

Some time ago I decided that I should have a blog. This was, of course, wrong. There is no way that I could maintain such a thing. The blog, as expected, containing a handful entries, was taken offline as my friend moved (and in the process killed his server). Such was my dedication and devotion that I never took the time to move this blog or save the entries.

Well, now I'm at it again. I think its mostly the various tools and services that have become so nicely integrated that has led my to think that it might be a good idea to start blogging again. Here is my list of tools and services I currently use:

Does anyone else have any further recommendations? Are there any useful java applications for mobile devices that do this? Just in case I wanna blog on the train or something...

Anyway, at the top of my head, here is what I will blog about:
Thats about it. Ohhh, I almost forgot: då och då kommer jag att blogga på svenska, men det lär du ju märka om det är fallet...
